Pet Dental Care

Dental cleaning improves the oral hygiene and general health of our patients. The use of digital dental X-ray gives insight to roots of teeth and their health. Oral hygiene is an important part of our patient’s overall health and our veterinarian have recommendations to maintain your pet’s smile.

Dental Care

Dental Care in New Port Richey, FL

Invest in your pet’s well-being with our pet dental care services at the Animal Hospital of Regency Park. Dental cleaning improves the oral hygiene and general health of our patients. The use of digital dental X-ray gives insight to roots of teeth and their health. Oral hygiene is an important part of our patient’s overall health and our veterinarian have recommendations to maintain your pet’s smile. Our experienced veterinarians use state-of-the-art equipment to provide thorough examinations, cleanings, and dental treatments, ensuring your pet’s teeth and gums stay healthy and their breath fresh.

Prevent Dental Disease

Regular cleanings and check-ups can help prevent common dental issues in pets, such as periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Pain Prevention

Dental problems can cause significant pain and discomfort for pets. Dental care helps alleviate their suffering.

Fresh Breath

Proper oral care leads to fresher breath, making interactions with your pet more pleasant.

Overall Health

Dental health is closely linked to a pet’s overall well-being. It can impact their heart, liver, and kidneys.

Nurturing Smiles, Elevating Lives: Dental Care for Your Furry Family Member

    Personalized Treatment Plans

    We create individualized treatment plans tailored to your pet’s unique dental needs, ensuring the best possible outcome.

    Emergency Care

    In case of dental emergencies, our experienced team is available to provide prompt and effective care.

    Safety First

    We prioritize your pet’s safety during dental procedures, using anesthesia and monitoring equipment to guarantee their well-being.

    Compassionate Care

    We understand that dental procedures can be stressful for pets, so we provide gentle, compassionate care to minimize anxiety and discomfort.